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UD San Sebastian Reyes vs Badajoz H2H Statistics & History Records

  • UD San Sebastian Reyes
  • SPA D3


    ( )

  • Badajoz

Ranking (Team’s ranking of scores and win rate before the match as home and away)

UD San Sebastian Reyes(SPA D3)
UD San Sebastian Reyes is NO.59 in the SPA D3 with a comprehensive win rate of 43%
TOTAL 14 6 6 2 30 12 18 24 59 43%
HOME 7 5 2 0 22 4 18 17 53 71%
AWAY 7 1 4 2 8 8 0 7 66 14%
Badajoz(SPA D3)
Badajoz is NO.73 in the SPA D3 with a comprehensive win rate of 28%
TOTAL 14 4 6 4 13 11 2 18 73 28%
HOME 7 2 4 1 5 2 3 10 79 28%
AWAY 7 2 2 3 8 9 -1 8 60 28%

Head to Head (Detailed H2H statistic and history records of the two teams)

  • Last 7: D D L L D D L Home WIn 0%, WPCT 42%, Overrate 42%

home and away


League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
SPA D3 Badajoz 0:0 UD San Sebastian Reyes X U 2
SPDRFEF Badajoz 0:0 UD San Sebastian Reyes X U 1.5/2
SPDRFEF UD San Sebastian Reyes 1:3 Badajoz 2 O 2
SPDRFEF Badajoz 2:1 UD San Sebastian Reyes 2 O 2/2.5
SPDRFEF UD San Sebastian Reyes 0:0 Badajoz X U 2
SPA D3 Badajoz 1:1 UD San Sebastian Reyes X U 2/2.5
SPA D3 UD San Sebastian Reyes 0:4 Badajoz 2 O 2.5


Recent records (Win rate statistics and match details of the two teams for the latest 15 matches)

UD San Sebastian Reyes

UD San Sebastian Reyes got 7 wins, 6 draws and 2 loses in the latest 15 matches with a win rate of 46%, while its Over rate is 53%



League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
SPA D3 UD San Sebastian Reyes 4:0 CD Mensajero 1
SPA D3 Getafe B 3:1 UD San Sebastian Reyes 2
SPA D3 UD San Sebastian Reyes 1:1 Villanovense X U 2/2.5
SPA D3 CD Artistico Navalcarnero 1:1 UD San Sebastian Reyes X U 2/2.5
SPA D3 UD San Sebastian Reyes 7:1 Numancia 1 O 2/2.5
SPA D3 CD Illescas 0:0 UD San Sebastian Reyes X U 1.5/2
SPA D3 UD San Sebastian Reyes 2:0 CD Atletico Paso 1 O 1.5/2
SPA D3 AD Llerenense 2:2 UD San Sebastian Reyes X O 2/2.5
SPA D3 UD San Sebastian Reyes 4:0 CD Montijo 1 O 2.5/3
SPA D3 G. Segoviana 1:0 UD San Sebastian Reyes 2 U 2
SPA D3 UD San Sebastian Reyes 1:1 Cacereno X Push 2
SPA D3 CF Talavera de la Reina 1:4 UD San Sebastian Reyes 1 O 2
SPA D3 UD San Sebastian Reyes 3:1 Ursaria 1 O 2/2.5
SPA D3 UD San Fernando 0:0 UD San Sebastian Reyes X U 2
SPA D3 UD San Sebastian Reyes 2:1 CD Guadalajara 1 O 2.5



Badajoz got 4 wins, 6 draws and 5 loses in the latest 15 matches with a win rate of 26%, while its Over rate is 46%



League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
SPA D3 CD Montijo 1:2 Badajoz 1
SPA D3 Badajoz 3:0 CD Mensajero 1
SPA D3 G. Segoviana 2:1 Badajoz 2 O 2
SPA D3 Badajoz 1:1 Getafe B X O 1.5/2
SPA D3 Cacereno 1:1 Badajoz X O 1.5/2
SPA D3 Badajoz 0:0 Villanovense X U 1.5/2
SPA D3 CF Talavera de la Reina 1:2 Badajoz 1 O 1.5/2
SPA D3 Badajoz 0:0 CD Artistico Navalcarnero X U 2
SPA D3 Ursaria 1:0 Badajoz 2 U 1.5/2
SPA D3 Badajoz 1:0 Numancia 1 U 2
SPA D3 UD San Fernando 2:1 Badajoz 2 O 1.5/2
SPA D3 Badajoz 0:0 CD Illescas X U 1.5/2
SPA D3 CD Guadalajara 1:1 Badajoz X U 2/2.5
SPA D3 Badajoz 0:1 CD Atletico Paso 2 U 1.5/2
SPA D3 AD Union Adarve 3:1 Badajoz 2 O 2
