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Unia Solec Kujawski vs Elana Torun H2H Statistics & History Records

  • Unia Solec Kujawski
  • Pol L3


    ( )

  • Elana Torun

Ranking (Team’s ranking of scores and win rate before the match as home and away)

Unia Solec Kujawski(Pol L3)
Unia Solec Kujawski is NO.37 in the Pol L3 with a comprehensive win rate of 33%
TOTAL 9 3 2 4 8 13 -5 11 37 33%
HOME 4 1 1 2 4 5 -1 4 54 25%
AWAY 5 2 1 2 4 8 -4 7 24 40%
Elana Torun(Pol L3)
Elana Torun is NO.18 in the Pol L3 with a comprehensive win rate of 50%
TOTAL 8 4 1 3 8 5 3 13 18 50%
HOME 4 3 0 1 7 3 4 9 18 75%
AWAY 4 1 1 2 1 2 -1 4 44 25%

Head to Head (Detailed H2H statistic and history records of the two teams)

  • Last 1: L Home WIn 0%, WPCT 0%, Overrate 100%

home and away

Pol L3

League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
Pol L3 Elana Torun 4:0 Unia Solec Kujawski 2 O 3/3.5

Recent records (Win rate statistics and match details of the two teams for the latest 15 matches)

Unia Solec Kujawski

Unia Solec Kujawski got 3 wins, 3 draws and 9 loses in the latest 15 matches with a win rate of 20%, while its Over rate is 41%


Pol L3

League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
Pol L3 KTS-K Luzino 0:1 Unia Solec Kujawski 1
Pol L3 Unia Solec Kujawski 1:1 MKS Notec Czarnkow X
Pol L3 Gedania Gdansk 0:1 Unia Solec Kujawski 1 U 3
Pol L3 Unia Solec Kujawski 1:0 Swit Szczecin 1 U 3.5/4
Pol L3 KS Polonia Sroda Wlkp 3:1 Unia Solec Kujawski 2 O 3.5
Pol L3 Stolem Gniewino 0:0 Unia Solec Kujawski X U 2.5
Pol L3 Unia Solec Kujawski 0:1 Vineta Wolin 2 U 3.5
Pol L3 Zawisza Bydgoszcz SA 5:1 Unia Solec Kujawski 2 O 3.5/4
Pol L3 Unia Solec Kujawski 2:3 Stargard Szczecinski 2 O 2.5/3
Pol L3 KS Pogon Nowe Skalmierzyce 5:2 Unia Solec Kujawski 2
Pol L3 Unia Solec Kujawski 3:3 KP Starogard Gdanski X O 2.5/3
Pol L3 Pogon Szczecin II 2:1 Unia Solec Kujawski 2 U 3/3.5
Pol L3 Unia Solec Kujawski 1:6 Cartusia 2 O 3
Pol L3 Unia Swarzedz 1:0 Unia Solec Kujawski 2 U 3
Pol L3 Unia Solec Kujawski 0:1 Flota Swinoujscie 2 U 2.5/3


Elana Torun

Elana Torun got 7 wins, 4 draws and 4 loses in the latest 15 matches with a win rate of 46%, while its Over rate is 44%



League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
Pol L3 Sokol Kleczew 0:1 Elana Torun 1
Pol L3 Elana Torun 3:0 KTS-K Luzino 1
Pol L3 MKS Notec Czarnkow 0:0 Elana Torun X
Pol L3 Elana Torun 1:0 Gedania Gdansk 1 U 2.5/3
Pol L3 Swit Szczecin 1:0 Elana Torun 2 U 2.5/3
Pol L3 Elana Torun 2:3 KS Polonia Sroda Wlkp 2 O 2.5/3
Pol L3 Vineta Wolin 1:0 Elana Torun 2 U 2.5
Pol L3 Elana Torun 1:0 Zawisza Bydgoszcz SA 1
INT CF Elana Torun 1:1 Pelikan Lowicz X U 3
INT CF Elana Torun 2:5 Mlawianka Mlawa 2
INT CF Elana Torun 0:0 Olimpia Grudziadz X
INT CF Olimpia Elblag 0:3 Elana Torun 1 O 2.5/3
Pol L3 Stargard Szczecinski 3:3 Elana Torun X O 2.5/3
Pol L3 Stolem Gniewino 0:3 Elana Torun 1 O 2.5
Pol L3 Elana Torun 1:0 KS Pogon Nowe Skalmierzyce 1 U 2.5
