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AS Bakaridjan vs Afrique Football Elite H2H Statistics & History Records

  • AS Bakaridjan
  • Mali C


    ( )

  • Afrique Football Elite

Ranking (Team’s ranking of scores and win rate before the match as home and away)

AS Bakaridjan(Mal PD)
AS Bakaridjan is NO.7 in the Mal PD with a comprehensive win rate of 56%
TOTAL 7 4 2 1 12 4 8 14 7 56%
HOME 2 1 1 0 4 2 2 4 13 50%
AWAY 5 3 1 1 8 2 6 10 4 60%
Afrique Football Elite(Mal PD)
Afrique Football Elite is NO.8 in the Mal PD with a comprehensive win rate of 40%
TOTAL 10 4 2 4 9 8 1 14 8 40%
HOME 5 3 1 1 7 4 3 10 5 60%
AWAY 5 1 1 3 2 4 -2 4 13 20%

Head to Head (Detailed H2H statistic and history records of the two teams)

  • Last 2: L L Home WIn 0%, WPCT 0%, Overrate 100%

home and away

Mal PD

League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
Mal PD Afrique Football Elite 3:1 AS Bakaridjan 2 O 1.5
Mal PD Afrique Football Elite 2:1 AS Bakaridjan 2 O 2.5

Recent records (Win rate statistics and match details of the two teams for the latest 15 matches)

AS Bakaridjan

AS Bakaridjan got 6 wins, 5 draws and 4 loses in the latest 15 matches with a win rate of 40%, while its Over rate is 36%


Mal PD

League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
Mal PD AS Bakaridjan 2:0 US Bourgouni 1
Mal PD Cercle de Bamako 1:4 AS Bakaridjan 1
Mal PD AS Bakaridjan 2:2 USC Kita X O 2
Mal PD Monrovia Black Star 0:2 AS Bakaridjan 1 Push 2
Mal PD Real Bamako 1:0 AS Bakaridjan 2 U 1.5/2
Mal PD AS Korofina 0:0 AS Bakaridjan X U 1.5
Mal PD Stade Malien de Bamako 0:2 AS Bakaridjan 1 U 2.5/3
Mal PD Djoliba 0:1 AS Bakaridjan 1 U 2
Mal PD US Bourgouni 0:0 AS Bakaridjan X
Mal PD USC Kita 2:2 AS Bakaridjan X O 2
Mal PD Afrique Football Elite 3:1 AS Bakaridjan 2 O 1.5
Mal PD AS Police 0:1 AS Bakaridjan 1
Mal PD Onze Createurs 3:1 AS Bakaridjan 2 O 1.5/2
Mal PD USFAS Bamako 0:0 AS Bakaridjan X U 1.5
Mal PD AS Police 1:0 AS Bakaridjan 2 U 1.5/2


Afrique Football Elite

Afrique Football Elite got 5 wins, 4 draws and 6 loses in the latest 15 matches with a win rate of 33%, while its Over rate is 33%


Mal PD Mali C

League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
Mal PD Afrique Football Elite 0:1 Onze Createurs 2 U 1.5/2
Mal PD Afrique Football Elite 2:2 Real Bamako X
Mal PD AS Police 0:0 Afrique Football Elite X U 1.5/2
Mali C Afrique Football Elite 1:0 USFAS Bamako 1 U 2
Mal PD Afrique Football Elite 2:0 AS Korofina 1 O 1.5/2
Mal PD Cercle de Bamako 0:1 Afrique Football Elite 1
Mali C Monrovia Black Star 1:1 Afrique Football Elite X
Mal PD Monrovia Black Star 2:1 Afrique Football Elite 2 O 1.5/2
Mal PD Afrique Football Elite 2:1 USC Kita 1 O 1.5
Mal PD Djoliba 1:0 Afrique Football Elite 2 U 1.5/2
Mal PD Afrique Football Elite 1:0 Binga 1 U 1.5
Mal PD US Bourgouni 1:0 Afrique Football Elite 2 U 1.5/2
Mal PD Afrique Football Elite 0:1 USFAS Bamako 2 U 1.5
Mal PD Stade Malien de Bamako 2:0 Afrique Football Elite 2 O 1.5/2
Mal PD Afrique Football Elite 0:0 ATS de Koro X U 2
