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ASC Tevragh Zeine vs ASC Snim H2H Statistics & History Records

  • ASC Tevragh Zeine
  • MAU D1


    ( )

  • ASC Snim

Ranking (Team’s ranking of scores and win rate before the match as home and away)

ASC Tevragh Zeine(MAU D1)
ASC Tevragh Zeine is NO.5 in the MAU D1 with a comprehensive win rate of 40%
TOTAL 5 2 2 1 5 3 2 8 5 40%
HOME 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 6 33%
AWAY 2 1 1 0 3 2 1 4 5 50%
ASC Snim(MAU D1)
ASC Snim is NO.8 in the MAU D1 with a comprehensive win rate of 17%
TOTAL 6 1 3 2 4 6 -2 6 8 17%
HOME 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 14 0%
AWAY 5 1 2 2 4 6 -2 5 4 20%

Head to Head (Detailed H2H statistic and history records of the two teams)

  • Last 8: L W W W W W W D Home WIn 75%, WPCT 85%, Overrate 57%

home and away

MAU D1 Mauritania Cup

League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
MAU D1 ASC Tevragh Zeine 2:3 ASC Snim 2 O 2/2.5
MAU D1 ASC Snim 0:1 ASC Tevragh Zeine 1 U 2
Mauritania Cup ASC Snim 0:1 ASC Tevragh Zeine 1 U 2
MAU D1 ASC Snim 0:3 ASC Tevragh Zeine 1 O 2
MAU D1 ASC Tevragh Zeine 3:0 ASC Snim 1 O 2/2.5
Mauritania Cup ASC Tevragh Zeine 2:0 ASC Snim 1 O 1.5/2
MAU D1 ASC Snim 0:1 ASC Tevragh Zeine 1 U 2
MAU D1 ASC Tevragh Zeine 0:0 ASC Snim X


Recent records (Win rate statistics and match details of the two teams for the latest 15 matches)

ASC Tevragh Zeine

ASC Tevragh Zeine got 7 wins, 4 draws and 4 loses in the latest 15 matches with a win rate of 46%, while its Over rate is 28%



League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
MAU D1 ASC Tevragh Zeine 2:0 ASC Gendrim 1
MAU D1 AS Pompier 1:2 ASC Tevragh Zeine 1 O 2
MAU D1 ASC Tevragh Zeine 0:0 FC Inter Nouakchott X U 2/2.5
MAU D1 ASC Tevragh Zeine 0:1 F.C. Nouadhibou 2
MAU D1 AS Douanes Nouakchott 1:1 ASC Tevragh Zeine X
MAU D1 ACS Ksar 1:3 ASC Tevragh Zeine 1 O 1.5/2
MAU D1 ASC Tevragh Zeine 2:0 ASAC Concorde 1 U 2.5
MAU D1 Chemal FC 0:2 ASC Tevragh Zeine 1 Push 2
MAU D1 ASC Gendrim 1:0 ASC Tevragh Zeine 2
MAU D1 ASC Tevragh Zeine 2:0 AS Pompier 1
MAU D1 FC Inter Nouakchott 1:1 ASC Tevragh Zeine X
MAU D1 F.C. Nouadhibou 1:1 ASC Tevragh Zeine X U 2.5
MAU D1 ASC Tevragh Zeine 6:1 Kaedi FC 1
MAU D1 AS Garde Nationale 1:0 ASC Tevragh Zeine 2 U 2
MAU D1 ASC Tevragh Zeine 1:2 AS Douanes Nouakchott 2


ASC Snim

ASC Snim got 4 wins, 6 draws and 5 loses in the latest 15 matches with a win rate of 26%, while its Over rate is 36%


MAU D1 Mauritania Cup

League Date Home Scores Away 1X2 O/U
MAU D1 ASC Snim 0:0 AS Garde Nationale X U 2
MAU D1 AS Douanes Nouakchott 0:0 ASC Snim X U 2/2.5
MAU D1 ACS Ksar 1:2 ASC Snim 1 O 2
MAU D1 ASC Entou 2:2 ASC Snim X
MAU D1 F.C. Nouadhibou 2:0 ASC Snim 2 Push 2
MAU D1 FC Inter Nouakchott 1:0 ASC Snim 2 U 2
MAU D1 King Nouakchott 4:1 ASC Snim 2 O 1.5/2
MAU D1 AS Pompier 0:1 ASC Snim 1
MAU D1 AS Garde Nationale 1:1 ASC Snim X
MAU D1 Chemal FC 1:1 ASC Snim X U 2/2.5
Mauritania Cup AS Douanes Nouakchott 1:0 ASC Snim 2 U 2
MAU D1 ASC Police 0:2 ASC Snim 1 O 1.5/2
MAU D1 ASC Snim 1:0 Medine Trarza 1
Mauritania Cup ASC Snim 1:1 AS Pompier X Push 2
MAU D1 ASC Gendrim 2:0 ASC Snim 2 O 1.5/2
